Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Honors Wild West Speed Dating


"We are rough men and used to rough ways." 
– Bob Younger to a newspaper reporter following the 1876
Northfield, Minnesota raid.

As a class we are going to journey into the myths and legends of the past. Everyone will have a Wild West “character” that he/she will be, and we will speed date for about an hour meeting and greeting many infamous names from the past. Your task is to come in character! Know who you are: why are you famous, when did you live and die, what is your background, where did you live, what are your views on politics or the west or entertainment or the government, what makes you tick.

-       One full and complete paragraph detailing information about your character
-       Citations for at least two different sources you used in your research
-       A prop for speed dating à this must be school appropriate, related to your particular character, creative, and not be poorly crafted (ie: drawn with pencil on loose-leaf paper)

Your grade will be determined based on your written component (50%), your knowledge demonstrated during the speed dating (40%), and your prop (10%).

Due: Friday, January 29

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Welcome to Class!!!

Hello wonderful new students! I'm excited for the new semester and I hope you are too.

On our first day together you'll learn a bit about the class and expectations and I will hopefully begin to learn a little bit about y'all.

Make sure to scroll to the bottom of this page and follow by email so that you get updates whenever I post something new! I'll work to post important information and updates on the blog.